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Free Pc Games Act of War Games Download 2015

Free Pc Games Act of War Games Download 2015

Free Pc Games Act of War Games Download is a real-time strategy game developed by Eugen Systems and published by Atari, Inc. The game was released in March 2005.Act of War is set in what is only referred to as "a near future" where the gasoline prices in the United States has reached to over $7 a gallon due to an economic crisis. The games action downloadable  begins with Sergeant Major Jefferson and his squad of Delta Force conducting a raid somewhere on the border between Libya and Algeria, in order to capture Imad Kazim, the leader of the Salafist Group for Call and Combat

Act of War Games Pc Download Info
Developer(s) Eugen Systems
Publisher(s) Atari, Inc.
Designer(s) Alexis Le Dressay
Platform(s) Microsoft Windows
Release date(s) 
NA 15 March 2005
EU 18 March 2005[1]
Genre(s) Real-time strategy
Mode(s) Single player and Multiplayer

Features of Act of War Direct Action PC Game
Impressive real time strategy game.
Latest technology used.
Improved visuals effects.
Latest sound tracks introduced.

System Requirements of Act of War Direct Action PC Game
Operating System: Windows Vista/ Windows 7
CPU: Pentium 4 1.5 GHz.
RAM: 256 MB
Hard Disk Space: 6 GB

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