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Broken bot the highest rated Clash of Clans Bot v.2.8.0

Broken bot the highest rated Clash of Clans Bot v.2.8.0

bot clash of clans hack

Broken bot the highest rated Clash of Clans Bot Fitur

Auto Upgrade
CC Troop Donate/ Request/ Blacklist
Strategy Exchange
Spell Creation
Dark Elixir Zapping
Smart Deployment
Overall Speed
Overall Stability

v2.8.0 RC1

Town Hall sniping. Now if the bot attacks a Town Hall by sniping, either based on search conditions page or the “Snipe if trophies below” setting, it will send out a “trickle attack”. BrokenBot sends progressively larger waves if it does not recognize a loot change or there has been a long delay. The bot stops deploying more troops once you have earned one star. The order of troops is hard-coded, but it starts with barbarians and archers and progressively adds stronger troops including heroes and your clan castle if things get really bad if selected/available.

New UI option on “General” tab: "Snipe if trophies below". Enter a number here and if you have fewer trophies than this value, it will snipe both live and dead outside Town Halls to bring your trophy count up. Will continue using normal search conditions and attacks at the same time if a target is found.

Collector attacking. You can now focus attacks on the resource collectors. There are 2 options available described below. They can be chosen on the attack methods tab. Both methods must temporarily activate red-line mode if you don't have it already active. They will only focus attacks on those collectors near the outer edges of the base (existence of walls does not mean the collector is inside).
Attack collectors - deploy all troops: This method will deploy all the troops you have, spread out among all the collectors.
Attack collectors - troop saver: This method deploys a few troops on some of the collectors. Once the income has stopped it checks to see what collectors are still left standing and if you haven't already sent troops there it does another round of attacking.

Stat submission. Results of your earnings can now be submitted online. This data can then anonymously be visualized by the community. More information to come on this once we have enough data.
On "Services" tab enter username and password for BrokenBot.org forums and click on the validate button "?". If your settings are correct then it will change to a check mark. Don't worry about password field being empty after clicking the button, it is now stored encrypted on your computer away from all other BrokenBot files.
On "Services" tab check the box to “Upload Statistics to BrokenBot.org”. After an attack, your data will be submitted to BrokenBot.org (it might not do it every attack to limit the load on the server).

Clear the Field. Checking "Clear the Field" on the "Misc" tab will have the bot remove obstacles that it finds if you have a free builder. It will only remove up to 5 obstacles with each loop. Also it will not touch your holiday themed obstacles so those are safe.

BrokenBot attack visualization / Debug Mode. If you have debug mode checked then you can actually see what the bot is trying to attack and where it is dropping troops as it works. Works best with background mode activated but will try to show you its actions even if you don't have it on. If you do have background mode on and BlueStacks isn't hidden then it will pop up on top of any other work you may be doing.

Modified decision to return home. Will now return home quicker if the battle is completely ended, and will start the delay again if it senses a change in loot. Previously if your loot stopped changing then it would return home after a set time even if you starting gaining loot again.

Changed the way attack delays are processed. You now get more accurate and consistent (but still randomized) delays between dropping troops and waves of troops. Also modified available choices for troop delay for those that want an even longer delay between deploying troops.

Cost per search. On first run, BrokenBot will tell you what it thinks your townhall level is and ask you to confirm. If you move your townhall around then it will ask you again the next time you restart the bot

Average hourly income stats. These are only shown in the log (GUI is crowded enough) and are shown after each attack. “Stat submission” must be enabled to view this information.


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